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DLPNIRNANOEVM: NirScanNano Library


I'm trying to develope a new scan mode using the DLP NirScanNano in the following steps:

1.Modify the source code of "DLPNIRscanNanoGUI_2.1.0" and "DLPSpectrumLibrary_2.0.3";

2.Compile the tiva source code following the user guide, and generate "NIRscanNano.bin" and "NIRscanNano.out" successfully;

3.Upload the newly generated "NIRscanNano.bin" file to the device.

After the several steps, I tried to use the new mode to do a scan, but the gui program crashed. I step into the gui program with QT, and get the following questions:

1. When debuging, I can't step in functions defined in the DLPSpectrymLibrary. How can I step these functions defined in the library? 

2. The DLPSpectrymLibrary are used both on the PC and the tiva device. When I run the gui from PC, which library will be invoked?

3. I met the following issue when debuging. In the "MainWindow::apply_scan_config_to_ui()", "function, scantab.cpp"file, the "dlpspec_scan_slew_get_cfg_type()" is invoked.

The defination is showed in the following figure. The function returns the "pConfig->slewScanCfg.section[0].section_scan_type". The value returned should be 128, however, the value of type is set to 1 (HADAMARD_TYPE).

The result may be caused by the DLPSpectrumLibrary unmodified. If reference to the origin version of the function "dlpspec_scan_slew_get_cfg_type()" (showed in the following figure), the value returned should be 1.

How can I make sure the modified code of DLPSpectrumLibrary is used?

Thanks in advanced!

Look forward to your reply!