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DLPNIRNANOEVM: dlp NIR Nano EVM compiling issues

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC150


I was wondering if anyone could point to me if I had done anything wrong during the compiling. My main goal is to display self-generated patterns onto the DMD, and now I just trying to understand how the DMD source code works.

Right now I am able to image the DMD micromirrors in real time, so using the original configurations of column scan mode, I can definitely see the DMD first resets into a "checkboard" like pattern, and then conducts vertical column scans. So right now, I wanted to adjust this column scan (by changing it in the source code) so that each vertical line is only half of the original height and this is how I attempted:

The way I did my compiling was below:

1. compiled driverlib (didn't change anything in the source code)

2. compiled usblib (didn't change anything in the source code)

3. changed the function dlpspec_scan_col.c in dlpspeclib project, by changing the the 83 line from: rect.height = frameBuffer.height;      into           rect.height = frameBuffer.height/2;

     and compiled the dlpspeclib.

4. compiled dlpspeclib + Spectrometer EVM together (didn't change anything in the spectrometer EVM source code)




2. TI ARM Compiler version 5.2.4

3. CCS 6.0.1

4. DLP NIRscanNano GUI 2.1.0

5. DLP NIRscanNano Software 2.1

6. DLP Spectrum Library 2.0.3

After all the four steps of compiling, there was no error in CCS, so I assumed everything would be ok, and found the NIRscanNano.bin file in D:\ti\DLPNIRscanNanoSoftware_2.1.0\Sources\ Release folder, and then uploaded in the firmware update section in the GUI. The update was successful, but I couldn't see any change in the DMD patterns, as they are still at full height.

Can anyone tell me if it is that I didn't do the compile right, or is it that the line I changed in the dlpspec_scan_col.c wasn't correct or enough for it to produce only half-heighted vertical lines? 

Thank you.

  • Haoran,

    It sounds like you are trying to repurpose the TIVA source code to support cropped internal patterns. Is that correct?
    You may be able to support modifying the internal patterns, but I don't know if you can crop them. What sort of setup are you looking to implement here?



  • Hi Philippe, 

    Our final goal is to use the DMD to display custom-generated circular patterns that would last for several seconds.

    We are currently using a external camera to image the pattern display on the DMD, attempting to confirm the changes we make to the scanning patterns. We tried to use half of the column height ( by changing rect.height = frameBuffer.height/2; in dlpspec_scan_col_genPatterns function ) to see if we are able to see the changes on our camera, but after compiling and updating the firmware, we weren't able to see a difference. we Do we have to also change other stuffs in the code to make it work? 

    Also right now, we took the whole Nanoscan module apart and we are able to image the DMD in real time.

    Right now we just want to modify the code a bit and see the difference so that we have a better understanding of the code.

  • Hi, I am Hillel and I am working with Haoran on this project. We hope this gives you a better idea of our end goal. Please keep me in the loop with and developments. 

    Hillel Price

  • Haoran/Hillel

    As with the other thread you have created we will need some time for the team to give feedback. I'll post back here sometime this week.



  • Haoran,

    I gave some feedback in the other thread on this topic. Given that you want to create entirely custom patterns, the default Spectrum Library software may not be sufficient as it is custom designed for spectroscopy applications. More likely than not you will want to create mostly original software that writes to the frame buffer of the TIVA controller (assuming you are still using it in your system) to stream patterns to the DLPC150 (which must be configured properly for pattern streaming mode).

    The Spectrum Library (along with the DLPC150 Programmer's Guide) should help you as a reference with the configuration process for the controller itself, but less so with the pattern streaming itself.

    Best Regards,

    Philippe Dollo