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Lightcrafter's Sample Code is now Available

Sorry for the inconvenience caused due to delay in the code availability. Please find the below link to download sample code,

The .zip file contains the source code which enables Lightcrafter control  through APIs via USB.

DLP LightCrafter Sample Code :  Contains implementation of DM365 command interface definitions. This code initializes the Lightcrafter and allows sending/ receiving of the data packets and command line control.

DLP LightCrafter Sample Linux Application : A linux application has been created with the above source code. This application demonstrates different display modes, current control of LEDs and creation of solutions.

Further details are provided in the Readme files.



  • Hi Divya,

    I have problems sending an image from either MATLAB or a compiled Visual Studio project to the LCR.

    I can do it from the GUI. However it seems like I cannot connect correctly to the LCR from the provided code examples (DLP LightCrafter Sample Code 1.0).


    I can open the object, but no images is projected


    I can compile the file, main.c but when I run the demos I get the error:  COMMAND PACKET ERROR: DM365 sent back command type as white = [0x02] or read = [0x04] command

    It is the same error no matter what demo I run or even turn down the Lightcrafter.

    Are there any settings in the provided code examle that I should change before compling (all header files and source files are included in the project except for either LCR_Cmd_Interface.c or main.c depending the one I am trying)? OR do you think some connection settings on my windows PC should be changed (the GUI works)?   

    I hope you can get me on track.


  • It looks like the tcp_client.c file in the DLP LightCrafter Sample Code 1.0 is incomplete. All of the functions appear to simply be returning 0 without actually performing any actions which means that nothing is actually being sent or received by the program when it runs. The errors are being thrown since the response is always "0" rather than the properly formatted responses from the LightCrafter. 

  • Hi Colin,

    The code is just a frame work. We intentionally left tcp_client.c; this is a place where you are expected add low level code for TCP communication. For example - You can use Windows Socket APIs.




  • Hi,

    I don't know why the downloaded file is always incomplete, no matter I use Chrome or Firefox.

  • Hi Cheung Ka Yan,

    You will have to complete the Export Approval form to download the files. Can you explain what you meant by incomplete download?



  • Hi Divya!

    The download can be started. But it can only download around 400kb data and then the browser shows the download is complete. And the downloaded zip file cannot be open. It said "the compressed folder is invalid or currupted"

  • Hi,

    I downloaded the zipped file but don't know how to use it. Should it be installed or the files are to be called by the Control Software? I need to stream external video at 60 Hz and displaying in the high rate monochrome mode, i.e. 1440 Hz. Is that code necessary for or the option has already been integrated in the Control Software of Light Crafter?

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Jordanka,

    The sample code is just an example for developing your own control application.

    If you just want to configure LightCrafter to display 60Hz 1bit monochrome you should be able to do with LightCrafter GUI.

    Select Display Mode to - HDMI Video

    On the HDMI Video tab, select video mode setting to as follows,

    Bit-Depth = 1, Frame-rate = 60Hz and LED Select anything you are interested Red or Green or Blue.





  • Hi,

    I have DLP lightcrafter 2.0 and imaging source  DFK21BF04 fire ware camera.How to use the above sample code on my setup.and how to send command (as per document) through USB without lightcrafter GUI.


      RAJ M

  • RAJM,

    Are you having trouble building and executing the sample code in Linux? Are you asking about interfacing with the IS camera?

  • Hi Divya,

    How to use the sample code ? Should it be complied and replace the GUI ? I am developing my GUI  based on NI Labwindows/CVI, I can send internal pattern ID  to DLP LighterCrafter and it gets right. But when I download a BMP picture ,it goes wrong. The color of the projected pic differs from the original.



  • Hi Jin,

    Were you able to project the image? The API Sample Code can directly communicate with the DM365 on LightCrafter via USB cable without the use of GUI.

    The latest version(v2.0) is available as part of DLP LightCrafter Firmware and Software Bundle v2.0. Please make sure to upgrade the DM365 software (v4.0) and FPGA (v2.6.43) as well.

