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TI-API: Is Required qty for Custom Reel option fixed at 55?

Part Number: TI-API


According to the thread above, minimum required quantity for custom reel is 55.
I wonder if this required quantity 55 for custom reel is fixed, regardless of the part no (product)?

If the minimum quantity varies depending on the part no (product), could anyone suggest any best practices for dealing custom reel option via API?

(e.g., How can I ensure that I am enabling custom reel option during the order to avoid unintentional disabling of it? )

Best Regards

  • Hello

    Q1 - we do not believe it is fixed, that i could change at anytime but this seems to be the minimum currently.

    Q2 we do not know the variation of qty per part numbers, it is acceptable to order in full package qty of that product and only if needing custom reel, the qty would change less or more than the standard package qty of that material. 

    Q3  I believe in the spec there is a custom reel value that you set to true and if that is passed if custom reel were option,  it would present if standard package qty was not. for the material being requested.  if custom reel not available then it will try to get stanard qty and place order or reject if not enough material available for what is being requested.


  • Hello Tammy, 

    thank you for the information.

    I have several things that I would like to clarify. 

    >Q1 - we do not believe it is fixed, that it could change at anytime but this seems to be the minimum currently.

    You mean you believe that the required qty for custom reel varies depending on the part numbers, and the minimum required qty is 55 for all the part numbers, am I correct? ** Yes  

    >Q2 we do not know the variation of qty per part numbers, it is acceptable to order in full package qty (meaning the standard pack qty) of that product and only if needing  a custom reel, the qty would you want to order is less than than the standard package qty of that material. 

    - Could you explain what are full package and standard package?
    - What do you mean by full package qty?   ** I should state  many materials will have a SPQ Standard Pack Qty of some value. say material  ABC = 2500 qty as SPQ. (disregard full pkg qty should have stated as SPQ)
    - What do you mean by standard package qty?  -   this is what i mean this material if bought in full standard pack qty would be purchased in 2500 or multiples of 2500.

    >Q3  In the spec there is a custom reel indiator value that you set to true and if that is passed if custom reel were an option, it would present to you.

    This is presented if that material is elgible for customer reel and when the requested quantity (1500) is less than the SPQ (Standard Pack Qty for that material (ie ABC of 2500).  CR- Custom reel would be presented to allow to be 1500 whihc was  requested and is less than the SPQ of 2500 for material ABC.

    I believe you are mentioning customReelIndicatior, am I correct?  ** Y

     >If custom reel is not an option for that material, if that material is a Cut Tape or some other package type, etc.  the system will try to fulfill your request for the qty requested it would just not be a custom reel. the system will try to fulfill the order for your qty if it cannot - it will reject if not enough inventory for what is being requested.

    Do you mean that if the quantity you're trying to order is below the minimum required, the system will automatically increase it to meet that minimum without confirmation, provided the part number has enough stock?     No  we will not round up a customer's requested qty - sorry for the confusion.

  • See my input above, reworded some to see if thhis is more clear. 

  • Thank you for the feedback, but I'm still confused.

    What happens if an order includes customReelIndicator false where you meant to purchase custom reel?

    Will the order be processed or cancelled?

  • If the  material and qty is available in inventory i- we have order logic to work to fulfill your requested qty as system determines what package option can be offered based on Customer’s order, material and qty requested.

    Package Options for that material =be it cut tape, full reel  or custom reel - when custom reel is Y.  If No for custom reel, the order would try to be fulfilled by other package option if offered for that material like cut tape or full reel if qty requested meets full reel qty else the order if we cannot meet qty requested it will reject.

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