TI-API: Backlog order history API

Part Number: TI-API



Based on the description of the Backlog API, calling transact.ti.com/.../history without any parameters should return the list of recent orders (last 30 days).

But all we get is an error:

[errorCode] => ERR-BKG-ORDER-HIST-API-0040 [type] => ValidationError

[reason] => Invalid filter(s)

[message] => No orders found based on your request. Verify and correct your filters and resubmit the request. For help, contact TI API Support api-portal.ti.com/support

We tried to specify the date range of full 2024, with same results as above.

Is this API functional?
Are there some required parameters to send to this API?
Please confirm that this API will return all past orders placed through API (instead of querying them one by one, which takes an eternity).

Thank you

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