TI-API: Order Change API can't be tested and Quote Number cant be accepted (already in bid status) in test environment

Part Number: TI-API


My Order Number: 1072525034

I am currently facing two issues:

  1. When I try to change the order unit price on a test order (without a quote number), I continuously receive the following error message:

 [ { "code": "TI-TXT-062", "type": "ERROR", "reason": "customerLineItemNumber 3311 cannot be changed",
"message": "customerLineItemNumber 3311 is in process by TI and cannot be changed. If you are still having issues, contact TI customer support https://support.ti.com/csm" } ],

         2.  When I try to create a test order using my quote number (which was successfully created in the test environment), my request is continually rejected. I even tried using other quote numbers, but the request was still rejected.

    "orders": [
            "customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "123213",
            "orderStatus": "REJECT",
            "lineItems": [
                    "tiPartNumber": "SN74LS00N",
                    "customerLineItemNumber": "1212",
                    "itemCheckoutProfileId": "",
                    "status": "Rejected",
                    "tiTotalOrderItemQuantity": 2000,
                    "customerAnticipatedUnitPrice": 0.229,
                    "customerCurrencyCode": "USD",
                    "quoteNumber": "26935029",
                    "messages": [
                            "code": "TI-TXT-096",
                            "type": "ERROR",
                            "reason": "Quote is invalid, has expired, or being processed",
                            "message": "Correct the quote number or create a new quote and resubmit. If this is a new quote, allow two hours for processing before resubmitting your order. For help, contact TI API Support https://api-portal.ti.com/support"
                    "schedules": [
                            "requestedQuantity": 2000,
                            "requestedDeliveryDate": "2025-08-30"

Any one can assist me with these issues?
  • Hi Lily, Thank you for the thread. I checked the two issues you mentioned, both are related to the business scenarios/exceptions, you may need to check with your onboarding team member or CSC team. Thank you.

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