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Dear Specialists,
My customer is considering SN65HVD3088ENSR and has a question.
I would be grateful if you could advise.
According to the datasheet P.5 Fugure5-2, it is drawn pin assign.
However, A, B, Z, and Y pin assignments are shown, and it is Full Duplex.
For Half Duplex, I think only A and B are pin assigned.
Could you please let me know the exact pin assignment.
For example,
A(12) and B(11) are NC
Z(10) and Y(9) are NC
I appreciate your great help and cooperation.
Best regards,
There is currently a misprint for the NSR package - we have a datasheet update being approved right now.
Pins 11 and 12 (A and B as listed now) are not electrically connected.
Pins 9 and 10 (Y and Z) act as a standard Half-duplex device (so input and output). It is not full-duplex; there was a miscommunication published in the first NSR package update.
Parker Dodson
Hi Parker,
Thank you for your reply.
I understand.
SN65HVD3088NSR is half duplex, 9pin(Y) and 10pin(Z) act as input and output.
I'll share this information with the customer.
I appreciate your great help and cooperation.
Best regards,