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THS8200-EP: THS8200 interface

Part Number: THS8200-EP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THS8200, AM6548

I am given answer for my query 1 , but 2,3,4 are not answered and advised to open the new  thread under THS8200-EP [Interface category]

We want to Interface one XGA Analog Monitor with THS8200.

Monitor has resolution of [ 1024 X 768 ] .

We want to use AM6548 processor to generate 24 RGB [ 1024 X768  , [Progressive] data using its Video Port-2  which will be input to THS8200.

THS8200 with its 3 inbuilt DACs generate three analog outputs [R,G,B , 1024 X 768 - Progressive ] signals.

My questions are as below

1> Can  Video Port-2 of  AM6548  is able to generate 1024 x 768 resolution [Progressive] 24bit RGB data ?

Answered in other thread . 

 2> Can THS8200 support [ 24bit RGB , 1024 X 768 progressive ] resolution signal as input ?

 3> What frequency shall I set at [ VOUT1_PCLK ] clock out pin. to drive my XGA Monitor [1024 x 768 Progressive ] resolution.

 4> Can I connect VOUT1_DE pin to FID pin of THS8200 ?

 Below is the connection diagram  for your information. Kindly confirm if I can use this IC THS8200 for driving my XGA[1024x768] Analog Monitor ?


  • Hi Sukale,

      I'm extremely sorry for the late response as I was out of office the last week. Unfortunately, we no longer offer any support for this device on the E2E forum. You may search the E2E forum for archived posts of previous discussions which may help address your questions. Sorry for lack of guidance.