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Our customer reported that GUI for TCAN1145EVM sometimes shows part number either TCAN1144, TCAN1145 or TCAN1146 when USB cable is removed and inseted, while the expected part number to be displayed is TCAN1145. Could you clarify reason why this is happened? If firmware on the EVM has the problem, could you tell me how customer can update the firmware?
Best regards,
With the TCAN1145EVM GUI, it will auto-detect if the firmware not correct, then prompt the user to install the correct version. So if this is not happening, the firmware should be the right version.
As for the difference in part number, the GUI reads the SPI registers that contain the device ID. If this is not being read correctly, this is may be an issue of initialization when the customer plugs and unplugs the USB cable. Does the device ever get read correctly?
Eric Hackett
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your replay. Custoerm can get correct part number as well, but sometimes he gets wrong one. In this case what is possible root cause?
Best regards,
Again, it may be just a matter of the SPI not initializing correctly and reading the wrong value when the GUI first starts. I have not seen this in the lab using this GUI though, does the problem persist if the part and GUI are re-initialized?
Eric Hackett
Customer has re-checked phenomenon of this issue as below. Can you give your advice for the solution?
"Afterwards, when operating it, the frequency of occurrences detected at 1146 increased significantly. Currently, it is almost always detected at 1146. Additionally, when it is detected at 1146 and the TCAN1145EVM-GUI-CLOUD is checked for registers, the address: 0x07 = 0x36 = TCAN1146 is displayed. Furthermore, improvement is not observed by unplugging and plugging the cable, and as mentioned earlier, it is detected at 1146 almost consistently. Could it be that the SPI line is suspected?"
Best regards,
Please capture the waveforms of all SPI lines, but focus on the SDO line to see what is being returned by the TCAN1145-Q1 transceiver. If it's truly returning 36 in the waveform and it's not just being misinterpreted, then something else is happening here. Can you also confirm the topside marking of the device?
Eric Hackett
Hi Eric,
Please find attachement is screenshot that captured wcustomer aveforms of SPI lines. It indicates 1146 even using 1145EVM. The attached sheet alTCAN1145_SPI_Screenshot.xlsxso inculdes top marking of TCAN device shoiwng 1145. Can you please chekc what is the reason why?
Best regards,
Hi Kojima,
How often does to same device read a different ID? You say this is consistent, so every time the same hardware returns to same ID? Or does it appear to change after power cycling some of the time?
Where was this EVM acquired from? Is it possible that this was once a lab board for an applications engineer or did this EVM come straight from the PDC?
Eric Schott
Hi eric,
Customer offten sees wrong device name display, not few. And I provided the TCAN1145EVM via free sample program as below. So I believe the EVM was sent to customer from PDC directly.
Hi Kojima,
I ask because it is possible that a TI engineer could have reprogrammed the device to appear as a TCAN1146. This would cause the device to read back "TCAN1146" as it's ID and unlock the registers associated with the more capable device, but may not actually provide support for all the features. However, I would expect this device to read back "TCAN1146" consistently and never read back "TCAN1145". Does this sound consistent with the behavior that the customer is observing? Or do you think the inconsistent ID return could indicate some other issue?
Is it possible for the customer to replace the IC that is on the EVM and attempt to reconnect to the GUI to see if the behavior is more expected?
Eric Schott
Hi Eric,
Customer will purchase another TAC1145EVM and check it again. So I close this thread. Thank you for your help!
Best regards,