Dear support team,
I need a RS485 transceiver IC with auto-direction control. I have two principle questions in this context:
Question 1) About low 9600 baud rate, auto-direction control and fail-save
Question 2) About what happens if bus contention occurs
to Q 1)
In the forum thread "THVD1400: RS485 AUTO TXRX distortion at 115200 baud rate" the THVD1406 comes up.
Here Bobby says at the end that "with the auto-direction, the device will keep the THVD1406 as an active driver and will only switch back to be a receiver when the TX line goes from low to high for at least 4us. If you send too many '1's in a row before the next high to low transition on TX, the device would switch back to receive mode".
So, does this mean that the THVD1406 with its auto-direction control can only be reliably used for baud rates where time of 1 bit is significantly shorter than the tdevice_autodir of 4us?
However, in the Application Note "RS-485: What is Auto-Direction and Why it is Useful in Systems?" ( in section 2.2 the THVD1426 for 12Mbps is tested at a low baud rate of 115200 and it works.
More specifically asked:
(a) If the above is true, does this mean that use of the THVD1406 and its auto-direction control with tdevice_autodir of 4us is not possible/recommended for an application with 9600 baud where time of 1 bit is 104us? With this long 1-bit-time, the THVD1406 would already switch back to receive mode at the very beginning of each high bit on TX, i.e. not actively driving the RS485 bus to a stable high high state for the remainder of the high bit?
(b) Or, following the above mentioned app note, is it still possible to use the THVD14x6 also at much lower baud rates, e.g. the THVD1406 at 9600? Only that I would need to use biasing resistors to pull-up on the A side and pull-down on the B side?
If (b) is the case, as the THVD14x6 already has a fail-save functionality integrated, would I really need to do some more complicated calculations, i.a. assuming also the possible maximum number of nodes in the network as done in this related app note (
Or would it be enough to simply add just "some" higher value external fail-save bias resistors? Let's say e.g. 5k, which are just enough to ensure that after the tdevice_autodir of 4us has passed, the bus state still exceeds at least the THVD14x6's receiver threshold Vth+ of -20-mV to securely generate a high at receiver output and still produce the correct bits.
to Q 2)
As for the THVD14x6 no protective current limitation is specified in the data sheet, I am wondering what happens or what protects the THVD14x6 in case that two or more nodes write to the bus at the same time, i.e. bus contention occurs. If such a situation persists long enough, would involved transceivers run into thermal shutdown or could such a situation even destroy the competing THVD14x6s?
Thank you for your reply and assistance!