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TCAN4550: Is it possible to insert wait time between transmission frames?

Part Number: TCAN4550

Dear Specialists,

My customer is considering TCAN4550 and has a question.

I would be grateful if you could advise.?


Continuously transmit CAN-FD frames using the TCAN4550's transmit FIFO.

Is there a function to insert a waiting time between the completion of transmission of each transmission frame and the start of transmission of the next transmission frame?

(0.1msec or more, variable in 0.1msec increments depending on settings)

The purpose is to manage the transmission frame interval when implementing UDS communication.


I appreciate your great help in advance.

Best regards,


  • Hi Shinichi,

    The only transmit delay feature is called the "Transmit Pause" and it will wait an additional 2 CAN bit times of bus idle after the first successful message transmission before it is allowed to start the next requested message.  This allows for other ECUs with pending messages time to start transmitting messages that would otherwise have a higher probability of losing arbitration.

    This feature can be enabled by setting the TXP bit in the Control Register 0x1018[14] to "1". 

    There is no way to set a delay based on a fixed time interval such as 0.1ms, and that would need to be managed by the MCU through a delay in setting the bits in the TXBAR register associated with the TX Buffer that contains the message to be transmitted.

    You can see more information about the Transmit Pause feature in the MCAN controller in section 3.5.1 of the M_CAN User's Manual published by Bosch. (Link)



  • Hi Jonathan,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I'll share your answer with the customer.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Shinichi,

    You're welcome.

    Best Regards,
