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TCAN4550: Observed that some of the messages are missed out

Part Number: TCAN4550



i am using TCAN4550 with MCU at 16 Mbps SPI,

trying sending standard frame ID CAN messages every 2 milliseconds,

capturing the sent messages with the help of USB-CAN analyzer,

the captured messages are less than the transmitted messages from tcan4550, e.g. sent 8192 messages and received 8190 messages,

-debugged to see

i) SPI status register, it does not show any SPI error,

ii) checked Error Counter register, it shows 0 errors in transmission,

but 2 messages are lost, may you please guide me where to look 

  • Hello LS,

    The TCAN4550 uses the CAN FD Controller IP called MCAN that was developed by Bosch.  You can find detailed information on the TX Handling in the M_CAN User's Manual (Link) beyond what is listed in the TCAN4550 datasheet.  Without knowing anything about your configuration, I would suggest trying to monitor the TX Buffer Add Request Transmission Occurred (0x10D8) register or use the TX Event FIFO to track message transmissions.

