I'm a junior EE trying to get into the CAN world. I've done some extensive research into the CAN system and am familiar with the general dynamics of the system (CANH, CANL, up to 1Mbps, extended-ID...
I've hit a road block in trying to grasp why many microprocessors have "CAN" ports, but yet from what I've read, a transceiver is still needed to interface with a CAN system. With my agenda, I'm wanting to sniff a CAN bus and then replay the system when I've taken a node out of the network so that the node still believes it is in the network.
I just don't see what the purpose of a CAN transceiver, such as the Philips PCA82C250, is needed for when I have pins on the development board specifically for CAN. My gut tells me it has something to do with the fact that the micro will work with TTL, whereas the CANH/CANL works by differential voltage which doesn't necessarily follow the 0/5V digital standard.
Am I anywhere close/on track? Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.