I have 2 can boards with sn65hvd1040 transceiver. One board reads data from the sensors then it sends the data to another board via CAN, the other toggle the state of relays according to sensor data. For power supply a 12V-0-12V, 2A transformer is used.
I am not able to communicate as i get bus error.
Voltages under recessive state( no communication)
1) Sensor Board
CAN_H + GND = 3.02V, CAN_L + GND = 3.02V
2) Relay Board
CAN_H + GND = 1.85V, CAN_L + GND = 1.85V
When i short grounds of both boards, Board 1 GND <---------------------> Board 2 GND , voltages on pin CAN_H = 2.45V, CAN_L = 2.45V on both boards, but still issue is not resolved.
Need some help to figure out the issue.