I have been reading the DP141RLJ Evaluation Module documentation(www.ti.com/.../sllu242.pdf) and i have a question regarding to the DP_PWR signal.
Page 3 states the following: The DP power can be passed through from the DP input connected via J9 or tied directly to 3P3V on the board.
Checking the pinout of a standard Display port cable(shown below) it shows that Pin 20(DP_PWR) at each end of the cable, expects to be powered by its respective connector. Also it shows that the pin 20 of the one end of the cable is NOT internally connected to the pin 20 of the other end of the cable.
My question is why on the Evaluation Module documentation states that power can be passed through from the DP input connected via J9?
In addition, is there a need to provide 3.3V to Pin 20 of the two Display Port connectors since they are not internally connected?
Thank you very much!!
Best Regards,