I want to interface the ECU of the car with my TI microcontroller.
I planned to interface the ECU with the microcontroller via the OBD port.
I have an OBD adapter .
This OBD adapter has 2 ends. One could be connected to the car OBD port and the other has the RS232 male pin.
Now what i planned was ,i connected the RS232 male pin to the one side of the female to female RS232 adapter.
The other side of the female to female adapter is connected to the RS232 UART converter.
Now i connect the rx tx pins of the RS232 UART converter to the tx rx pins of the microcontroller.
I use the PID hex commands in programming to access the OBD values such as vehicle speed ,engine rpm etc.
But it deliberately failed.
My question is ,will the connection get established if so many series of connections are made?
Summarising my coonections :-
OBD2 RS232 adapter------->RS232 female to female adapter---------------->RS232 UART converter------------->any mcu ,i experimented with MSP430 and TIVA C series with the help of energia platform.
I have no previous experience about UART and RS232.
Help me in solving my question and if possible ,help me in extending your help and attaining my objective(i.e) getting the OBD readings.