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Part Number: MSP432P401R
I'm writing to a TCA9548A over the I2C bus using a MSP432P401R as a master. The write is the standard start bit followed by the
seven address bits 0x70 followed by a 0 (low) for a write. At this point I expect a ACK from the TCA9548A and get one about
26mS later which is then followed by the data 0x01 (which should enable channel 0) , followed by an ACK and a STOP.
While this seems to be working, when reading back the control register data it read 0x00 and when testing the I2C bus
on the channel 0 output it is not connected through the TCA9548A chip to the output.
1. Is the 26 ms delay of the first ACK an valid example of clock stretching?
2. Are there any things to be aware of when using the TCA9548A (this is a TI chip), i.e. why would it ack but not connect to the output?
Hey Robert,
Can you provide the schematic for the TCA9548A and some o-scope shots so we can verify the signal looks okay first? I'll be able to see if there is anything unusual from taking a look at that.
1. Is the 26 ms delay of the first ACK an valid example of clock stretching?
-You shouldn't see clock stretching from this device. Is there anything between the TCA9548A and the master? (like a translator/buffer ect.)
2. Are there any things to be aware of when using the TCA9548A (this is a TI chip), i.e. why would it ack but not connect to the output?
-I personally have not seen problems with this device. There is no errata for this device besides its POR requirements. (you can find this in section 10 of the datasheet).
Just saw this now. I'm forwarding this to my hardware teammate to study/reply/ add info to your comments.
Hooked up bus pirate and got the systems engineer involved. The problem appears to be the specification/interpretation of the i2c address.
The spec said to write to address 0x60 but 0x30 (the address prior to shift left) was what was really meant.
Just a typical day in the lab :-)
Thank you.
Even when you don't "actively" help, having a place to write things/describe a problem in detail helps too.
bob s.