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We are looking for a pin compatible version of the CAN controller SN65HVD233 that has the dominant driver time out feature. The most suitable device I can find from a quick look is TCAN334DR.
Can you confirm that this part is pin compatible and if there are any other devices I should be considering instead? The requirement is for a part that doesn’t drive PCB changes from our designed in part SN65HVD233.
Hello Jani,
You are correct. The TCAN33x family is the closest 3-3.6V device that is pin compatible with the HVD233 and has the dominant timeout feature. Almost all of our 8 pin CAN devices will be pin compatible, but note that features on pins 5 and 8 usually vary by device. Switching from SN65HVD233 to TCAN334, you will lose RS (slope control) and LBK (loopback mode) and instead gain STB (standby mode) and SHDN (shutdown mode) respectively.
Unfortunately the SN65HVD23X device family does not possess the integrated dominant-time-out (DTO) feature. As Paul stated, the TCAN33X family does possess DTO, but they do have slightly different pinouts and they do not possess the slope control mode.
The TCAN334 is the closest to pin compatible that we have in the 3V CAN family that possesses DTO and Standby Mode functionality. It looks like pins 5 and 8 would need some reconfiguration in order to operate with Standby Mode, though, as Paul said.
The TCAN332 is also an option. Pins 5 and 8 become No Connects. However, TCAN332 does not have Standby Mode functionality. The part would operate in Normal Mode only.
It is unfortunate that we cannot exactly match your request for an exact pinout replacement. Are either of these choices feasible?
Best Regards,
Max Megee
TRX Applications