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CCS/TCA6424A: issues writing to the device using the I2C bus

Part Number: TCA6424A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3220SF,

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Good day, 

I am attempting to use the TCA6424A IO Expander  when interfacing with the CC3220SF MCU as the master. Both devices are Texus Instruments ICs.

the issue I am facing is that after the first write trancaction on the I2C bus, I am able to further communicate with the TCA6424A.

Steps to reproduce are as follows:

  • Initialise I2C bus using pins 9 & 10 on the CC3220SF as the SCl & SDA lines. 
  • setting up the I2C transaction using 100KHz
  • specifying the tx buffer which has two bytes tx[0] = device register address  tx[1] = data to be written to the register
  • initiating the I2C transfer using I2C_transfer(). And testing if the I2C transfer returns true or false.
  • the first write returns true, indicating the first write was a success. 
  • attempt to do a second I2C write transaction using the I2C_transfer function, which now returns false. Indicating the transaction failed. 

After putting the SCL & SDA lines on the oscilliscope, I noticed the following:

  • The first write transfer is successful, after 300ms the sda line goes low and then pulses up for 300ms at 12.5s intervals 
  • trying to write to the TCA6424A after that fails 
  • Reseting the TCA6424A in code and then attempting to do another write transaction , is succesful
  • resenting the mcu releases the sda line, and then I can write to the TCA6424A  again.
  • Immediately after the first write I hold  the TCA6424A in reset, in this case the SDA line is not pulled low.
  • I have also tried to recover the SDA line by manually toggling the SCL pins. but with no success.
void i2c_init(void)
    I2C_Params      i2cParams;


    i2cParams.bitRate = I2C_100kHz;
    strak_i2c = I2C_open(neroSTRAKv1_I2C0, &i2cParams);

    if (strak_i2c == NULL) {
        //while (1);
        UART_PRINT("I2C Failed to initialize !\r\n");
    } else
        UART_PRINT("I2C initialized\r\n");


uint32_t iox_write_axsem_cs_pin_config(void)
uint8_t txBuffer[2];
// uint8_t rxBuffer[1];
I2C_Transaction i2cTransaction;

txBuffer[0] = IOX_CMD_CONFIG_P0;
txBuffer[1] = PORT0_DIR_MASK;
i2cTransaction.slaveAddress = I2C_IOExpander_Addr >> 1; //read
i2cTransaction.writeBuf = txBuffer;
i2cTransaction.writeCount = 2;
//i2cTransaction.readBuf = rxBuffer;
i2cTransaction.readCount = 0;

if (I2C_transfer(strak_i2c, &i2cTransaction))
UART_PRINT("IOX AXSEM pin output config complete\r\n");
return 1;
UART_PRINT("IOX AXSEM pin output config failed\r\n");
return 0;


void twi_recover(uint8_t pulses)
GPIO_PinConfig pinConfig_sda;
GPIO_PinConfig pinConfig_scl;


uint8_t i = 0;
uint8_t j = 10;
for (i = 0; i < pulses ; i++)

// GPIO_write(pinI2C_SDA, 0);
// //usleep(j);
// __delay_cycles(67);;
GPIO_write(pinI2C_SCL, 0);
// GPIO_write(pinI2C_SDA, 1);
// //usleep(j);
// __delay_cycles(67);;
GPIO_write(pinI2C_SCL, 1);
// //usleep(j);






iox_init_pins(); //Once taken out of reset all lines are inputs with pull up




  • Hey Nishant,

    "After putting the SCL & SDA lines on the oscilliscope, I noticed the following:"
    Can you provide us with the scopeshot?

  • TRX Bobby said:
    Hey Nishant,

    "After putting the SCL & SDA lines on the oscilliscope, I noticed the following:"

    Can you provide us with the scopeshot?



    Sorry  Bobby, i don’t have the probe shots with me this weekend, but basically I see the scl & sda lines toggling correctly for the first write transaction, meaning I see the stop bit, start bit and correct data on the lines. After the stop condition the scl & sda lines are pulled high for a period of 300ms after which the SDA is  driven low. There after (at 12.5s intervals) there is a 300ms hi pulse on the sda and then it is driven low again.

  • This is the shot showing the first write transaction after which the data line goes low


    This is the shot showing the data line pulsing hi every 12s after the data line went low

    This is the shot of what happens on the data lines when the first write transaction was successful

    This is a shot of read transaction

  • It looks like the TCA6424A is ACKing when written to and can be read from properly. I do not suspect the issue is from the TCA6424A. I'll reassign this post to someone in the MCU side to take a look at this.

    Hopefully they can take a look at your code and see if anything is wrong.



  • Hi, 

    Further to what I have observed, it seems like the issue is only occurring when I write to the configuration register (0x0C) .

    Writing to the Polarity Inversion register gives no issues.


  • Thank you for the additional information. I will see what I can do to look into the matter from the MCU side.
