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TFP410: Issues configuring HDMI/DVI transmitter over I2C

Part Number: TFP410
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2230

I am using the TFP410 to interface with an external HDMI monitor, set to be configured on power-up by an MSP430G2230 micro via the I2C connection (see schematic snippet). The issue I am currently having is that the TFP410 does not ACK any of the commands (see scope screenshot). My SCL is running at approximately 11kHz and I am bit-banging the I2C pins. My code is as follows:


 * main.c
 *  Created on: Sep 26, 2019
#include <msp430.h>
#include <i2c_sw.h>
/* Sub-Addresses for the TFP410 */
#define CTL_1_MODE 0x08
#define CTL_2_MODE 0x09
#define CTL_3_MODE 0x0A
#define DE_DLY 0x32
#define DE_CTL 0x33
#define DE_TOP 0x34
#define DE_CNT_L 0x36
#define DE_CNT_H 0x37
#define DE_LIN_L 0x38
#define DE_LIN_H 0x39
#define SLV_ADDR 0x70                               // Write address
unsigned char sData = 0;                            //Data to be written to slave
int main(void) {
    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;                       // Stop watchdog
    /* Initialize clocks */
    BCSCTL3 |= LFXT1S_2;                            // Select VLO as low freq clock
    if (CALBC1_1MHZ == 0xFF) {                      // If calibration constant erased
        while (1);                                  // do not load, trap CPU!!
    DCOCTL = 0;                                     // Select lowest DCOx and MODx settings
    BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ;                          // Set DCO
    // Wait a bit for the FPGA to initialize
    /* Configure TFP410 Digital Transmitter */
    // 0x37, T.M.D.S. enable state determined by PD
    sData = 0x37;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, CTL_1_MODE, 1);
    // 0x39, MSEN out disabled, MDI from HTPLG, MDI logic level stays same
    sData = 0x39;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, CTL_2_MODE, 1);
    // 0x80,sData de-skew disabled
    sData = 0x80;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, CTL_3_MODE, 1);
    // 0xD8, 216 pixels (HSYNC + back porch)
    sData = 0xD8;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, DE_DLY, 1);
    // 0x70, DE generator enabled, VSYNC & HSYNC active high
    sData = 0x70;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, DE_CTL, 1);
    // 0x1B, 27 pixels (VSYNC + back porch)
    sData = 0x1B;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, DE_TOP, 1);
    // 0x20, 0x03, 800 pixels wide
    sData = 0x20;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, DE_CNT_L, 1);
    sData = 0x03;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, DE_CNT_H, 1);
    // 0xE0, 0x01 480 lines tall
    sData = 0xE0;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, DE_LIN_L, 1);
    sData = 0x01;
    I2C_WriteData(&sData, SLV_ADDR, DE_LIN_H, 1);
    /* Trap after configuration */;
    while (1);


 * i2c_sw.c
 *  Created on: Oct 1, 2019
#include "msp430.h"
#include "i2c_sw.h"
unsigned char Read_SCL(void);
unsigned char Read_SDA(void);
void Clear_SCL(void);
void Clear_SDA(void);
void I2C_Init(void);
void I2C_Start(void);
void I2C_Stop(void);
void I2C_Writebit(unsigned char bit);
unsigned char I2C_ReadByte(void);
void I2C_WriteByte(unsigned char Data);
unsigned char I2C_ReadByte(void);
void I2C_WriteData(unsigned char *Data, unsigned char DeviceAddr, unsigned char Register, unsigned char nLength);
void I2C_ReadData(unsigned char *Buff, unsigned char DeviceAddr, unsigned char Register, unsigned char nLength);
Function    : Read_SCL
Purpose     : Set SCL as input and return current Logic level of SCL (0 or 1)
              normal is 1 because it is pulled up by a resistor
Parameters  : None
Return      : Logic level of SCL pin
unsigned char Read_SCL(void)
    I2C_PxDIR  &= ~SCL;
    return((I2C_PxIN & SCL) != 0);
Function    : Read_SDA
Purpose     : Set SDA as input and return current Logic level of SDA (0 or 1),
              normal is 1 because it is pulled up by a resistor
Parameters  : None
Return      : Logic level of SDA pin
unsigned char Read_SDA(void)
    I2C_PxDIR  &= ~SDA;
    return((I2C_PxIN & SDA) != 0);
Function    : Clear_SCL
Purpose     : Set SCL as output, logic Low
Parameters  : None
Return      : None
void Clear_SCL(void)
    I2C_PxDIR  |= SCL;
    I2C_PxOUT &= ~SCL;
Function    : Clear_SDA
Purpose     : Set SDA as output, logic LOW
Parameters  : None
Return      : None
void Clear_SDA(void)
    I2C_PxDIR  |= SDA;
    I2C_PxOUT &= ~SDA;
Function    : I2C_Init
Purpose     : Initialize I2C block
Parameters  : None
Return      : None
void I2C_Init(void)
    // Config SCL and SDA as GPIO
    I2C_PxSEL   &= ~(SCL + SDA);
    // Set SCL and SDA as input, pulled logic HIGH by resistors
    I2C_PxDIR   &= ~(SCL + SDA);
    I2C_PxOUT   &= ~(SCL + SDA);
Function    : I2C_Start
Purpose     : Send start signal
Parameters  : None
Return      : None
void I2C_Start(void)
    Read_SDA();             //set SDA to 1
    Clear_SDA();            //set SDA to 0, currently SCL is 1
    Clear_SCL();            //set SCL to 0
Function    : I2C_Stop
Purpose     : Send Stop signal
Parameters  : None
Return      : None
void I2C_Stop(void)
    Clear_SDA();            //set SDA to 0
    Read_SCL();             //set SCL to 1
    Read_SDA();             //set SDA to 1
Function    : I2C_Writebit
Purpose     : Write bit to I2C bus
Parameters  : A bit to write
Return      : None
void I2C_Writebit(unsigned char bit)
Function    : I2C_Readbit
Purpose     : Read bit on I2C bus
Parameters  : None
Return      : unsigned char
unsigned char I2C_Readbit(void)
    unsigned char bit;
    //Let the slave drive data
    bit = Read_SDA();
    return bit;
Function    : I2C_WriteByte
Purpose     : Write a Byte to I2C bus
Parameters  : unsigned char Data
Return      : None
void I2C_WriteByte(unsigned char Data)
    unsigned char nBit;
    for(nBit = 0; nBit < 8; nBit++)
        I2C_Writebit((Data & 0x80) != 0);
        Data <<= 1;
    I2C_Readbit(); // Write NACK
Function    : I2C_ReadByte
Purpose     : Read a Byte on I2C bus
Parameters  : None
Return      : unsigned char
unsigned char I2C_ReadByte(void)
    unsigned char Buff = 0;
    unsigned char nBit;
    for(nBit = 0; nBit < 8; nBit++)
        Buff = (Buff << 1) | I2C_Readbit();
    return Buff;
Function    : I2C_WriteData
Purpose     : Write n bytes to I2C bus
Parameters  : Data          - Pointer to data to be written
              DeviceAddr    - Device Address
              Register      - Register Address
              nLength       - Number of bytes to be written
Return      : None
void I2C_WriteData(unsigned char *Data, unsigned char DeviceAddr, unsigned char Register, unsigned char nLength)
    unsigned char nIndex;
    I2C_WriteByte(DeviceAddr << 1);  // DeviceAddr is 7 bit and command is write
    for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
        I2C_WriteByte(*(Data + nIndex));
Function    : I2C_ReadData
Purpose     : Read n bytes from I2C bus
Parameters  : Buff          - Pointer to buffer for storing value
              DevideAddr    - Device Address
              Register      - Register Address
              nLength       - Number of bytes to be read
Return      : None
void I2C_ReadData(unsigned char *Buff, unsigned char DeviceAddr, unsigned char Register, unsigned char nLength)
    unsigned char nIndex;
    I2C_WriteByte(DeviceAddr << 1);
    _NOP();                                 // Short delay
    _NOP();                                 // Short delay
    I2C_WriteByte((DeviceAddr << 1) | 1);
    for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
        *(Buff + nIndex) = I2C_ReadByte();
            if(nIndex > 0)I2C_Writebit(ACK);

Schematic snippet:


Scope Shot:


  • Hi Isaiah,

    It looks like you are missing the required 5k external pullups on SCL/SDA. Can you try adding them?

    Also, does your application really need i2c for this device? The main reason to use i2c for this device is for the DE generator for when the DVI/HDMI source does not generate DE. Everything else is pin configurable.



  • Hello I.K.,

    I have two 4.53k pullups on the I2C signals immediately next to the microcontroller (see the schematic snippet). 

    My controller does not have a DE signal available, so I need to use I2C to configure the built-in DE generator. Otherwise I would have done the configuration in hardware as you suggest, which is what I originally planned before realizing I did not have a DE signal. 

    Thank you

  • Hi Isaiah,

    My mistake, I was looking at the level shifter and missed the pullups on the MCU side. 

    I have seen i2c communication issues before with other devices when a level shifter was on the bus. Would it be possible for you to try the i2c communication for the TFP410 without the level shifter? 

    Additionally, here is a helpful document for troubleshooting i2c issues:



  • I.K. Anyiam said:

    Hi Isaiah,

    My mistake, I was looking at the level shifter and missed the pullups on the MCU side. 

    I have seen i2c communication issues before with other devices when a level shifter was on the bus. Would it be possible for you to try the i2c communication for the TFP410 without the level shifter? 

    Additionally, here is a helpful document for troubleshooting i2c issues:



    Hello I.K.,

    I was able to remove the level shifter this afternoon (I am not actually using it in this revision). Unfortunately it made no difference - I am still not receiving any ACKs from the TFP410. Additionally, the oscilloscope shot I posted is looking right on the pins of the TFP410, so it is definitely receiving the I2C communication. For some reason, however, it seems to be ignoring it. Whether it is an address issue, hardware issue, or something else I am not sure, which is why I posted my code as well as my schematic. Can you or someone else at TI confirm that either or both of these are correct before I proceed?

    Thank you very much,
    Isaiah Washburn

  • My apologies for the double-post, but I just noticed something seemingly very odd. If you look at the oscilloscope screenshot, following the waveform it looks to me like I am sending address 0xE0 (0b11100000) instead of 0x70. However, the oscilloscope serial decoder is still reading it as 0x70. What am I missing here? 

    I think line 201 in i2c_sw.c may be at fault:

    I2C_WriteByte(DeviceAddr << 1);  // DeviceAddr is 7 bit and command is write

    My DeviceAddr is already configured as 0x70 which includes the write bit. This means it is already effectively bit-shifted left one place, so bit-shifting left again is changing the address to 0xE0. Of course the TFP410 won't respond to that. I will make that change this evening (change the device address to 0x38, or 0x00111000) and see if it fixes the problem.

  • Hi Isaiah,

    I agree with your assessment. The waveform shows 0xE0 because the address has an extra bit shifted left. This seems like it would be the root cause of the issue. Although, I'm not sure why the decoder is seeing it as 0x70. Please let me know if your change fixes the problem. 



  • Changing SLV_ADDR (line 23 in main.c) to 0x38 (the 7-bit address, without the R/W bit on the end) appears to have solved the problem - I am receiving ACKs from the TFP410 now! Still no video output, but I suppose that is an issue for another thread. Thank you for your support!

  • Glad to see this resolved the issue. I suspect the no video output issue probably has something to do with DE or HPD. But please feel free to open up another thread if you continue to have issues.



  • I have created a follow-up thread on the "No Signal" issue here: