I am using TDA4 EVM. In the CP part of the EVM, a TCA6424A GPIO expander is used to control 2 USER LEDs (P26 & P27). Below screenshot is from the Schematics of the CP. As per the given infomration:
- I2C BUS - 0
- Address - 0x21
If the i2cset/i2cget has to be used to control these LEDs, the below commands are formed:
i2cset -f -y 0 0x21 <Command> <Data>
i2cget -f -y 0 0x21 <Command>
But from the datasheet of TCA6424A, it specifies Slave address as a field in the Write or Read sequence as shown below:
Where to include this Slave address in the i2cset/i2cget commands? Could you please give a sample command to control one GPIO pin using TCA6424A?
Thanks & Regards,