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SN6505A: DC/DC instead of LDO and recommendation

Part Number: SN6505A

Hello team,

one of my customers is planning too use the SN6505A with a Vin in the range of 4.5-5V. Sot hey follow in this case

So they will have a non regulated 5V line isolated but they need to obtain from it a 3.3V regulated voltage with I=300-350mA.

The question is, can they use a DC/DC converter instead of an LDO? Do you see any issues ?

In case they can, could you suggest a small Buck and efficient? On the PCB they don't have much space.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


  • Hi Adrian,

    Customer can use a DC/DC converter instead of an LDO at the output of SN6505A based isolated power supply without any issues. For device recommendations for buck converters, I would recommend you to reach out to DC/DC converter team. You can post the question in the Power Management forum to get devices suggestions. Thanks.


    Koteshwar Rao

  • Hi Koteshwar,

    thank you for the prompt reply!

    I was wondering about the DC/DC since in the DS it's only specified to use an LDO. But your confirmation is clear.

    Thank you for the recommendation.

    Have a good day!

