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ISOW1412: Supply current characteristics and Data detection method

Part Number: ISOW1412

Hi team,

Would you please answer the following two questions?

Q1. Please tell me about the supply current characteristics.

Conditions VDD = VIO = 3.3V, VISOOUT = 5V

Q2. Please tell me the data detection method of the isolation part.

Edge detection and output latched data


Level detection and output data without latching

Best regards

  • Hi user6365646,

    Welcome to TI E2E forum and thanks for showing interest in ISOW1412.
    Please find below my inputs to the questions you have listed out.

    user6365646 said:

    Q1. Please tell me about the supply current characteristics.

    Conditions VDD = VIO = 3.3V, VISOOUT = 5V

    Please note that VDD = 3.3V and VISOOUT = 5V is an invalid supply voltage configuration and ISOW1412 doesn't support this voltage configuration. 3.3V to 5V configuration requires boost converter topology while ISOW1412 doesn't boost operation. Hence, there is no supply characteristics data for this configuration.

    user6365646 said:

    Q2. Please tell me the data detection method of the isolation part.

    Edge detection and output latched data


    Level detection and output data without latching

    The data isolation channels use OOK modulation technique for data transfer which works on the principle of monitoring input voltage level continuously and transfer it to the output. For more details, please refer to section 8.3 of ISOW1412 datasheet. Thanks.

    Koteshwar Rao

  • Hi Koteshwar,

    Thank you for your reply.


    > ISOW1412 doesn't support this voltage configuration.

    Section 6.8 of ISOW1412 datasheet describes the conditions, but is it wrong?


    I understand.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    Sorry about the confusion. The line item of VISOOUT in Section 6.8 fails to mention VDD voltage in test conditions. To get VISOUT = 3.3V, VDD can be 3.3V or 5V while to get VISOOUT = 5V, VDD needs to be 5V only.

    We will add this information in test conditions column in our final version of datasheet once device changes status from PREVIEW to ACTIVE. Thanks for reporting this missing information.

    Koteshwar Rao

  • Hi, Koteshwar

    I understand.

    I have to modify the design.

    I'm glad I asked you a question first.

    Thank you.