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ISO7741: Enable function

Part Number: ISO7741

Hi, expert,

My customer want to use ISO7741 to replace ADuM141D, but found a difference about the EN function.

In ADuM141D, the disable pin controls input signal while the EN pin of ISO7741 controls output signal. In general, customer's MCU is on the primary side(input side). On the secondary side(output side), usually there is no control resource for a EN signal. So customer feels confused why we design the EN function on the output side, what's the purpose for this design method? 

Best Regards


  • Hi Chen,

    ADuM141 is available with both ENABLE at output and DISABLE at input options and both of them have their use cases. While TI digital isolators are only available with ENABLE at output options as this is the most common use case. This allows connecting multiple isolated slave outputs together on to one master MCU receive channel and allowing to enable only one of slave at a time for communication. This is commonly done in SPI.

    Please let me know how exactly is customer trying use this feature in their application and how it is benefiting them so that I can comment which of the two options, ENABLE or DISABLE, is better for their application and how each of them benefit them. Let me know, thanks.

    Koteshwar Rao

  • Hi Chen,

    Please do let me know if you will be able to share the requested information. If do not have any further questions, I would like to go ahead and close this thread. Thanks.

    Koteshwar Rao

  • Hi Chen:

    I'm hoping that our ISO7741 can be used in your customer's application.

    Please feel free to reply back to this thread or open a new E2E if you have additional questions.

