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ISO1410: Bus side supply current

Part Number: ISO1410


What is the bus side supply current?

Though I had thought that it is ICC2, these seem not to be the same because the current values at 500kbps are different as below;

Best Regards,


  • Hi Kuramochi-san,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    ICC2 is the bus side supply current of ISO1410. The above plot from typical characteristic curves section and the tabular data from electrical characteristics section are actually the same.

    Please note that the typical characteristic curve only shows data for typical test conditions, i.e., on a nominal device with TA = 25C. While the electrical char table shows data for both typical and max operating conditions. The typical value in table is obtained on a nominal sample at TA = 25C while the worst-case value is obtained at worst-case operating conditions including TA = 125C. Hence, if you want to compare the plot with table, you would have compare the plot values with tabular typical values only.

    Let's refer to the 3.3V plot, it has a value of 48mA at 0kbps datarate while has about 63mA at 500kpbs. The table also shows a typical value of 48mA for 0kbps datarate while it lists 63mA for 500kbps, hence they both match.
    Similarly, 5V plot and table both show 74mA for 0kbps datarate and it is 113mA for 500kbps. I have marked all these points in the below image using numbered circles for easy comparison.

    Let me know if you have any further questions, thanks.

    Koteshwar Rao

  • Koteshwar-san,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    Do you have the data of ICC2 vs temperature?

    My customer is considering using it at 60℃ max.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Kuramochi-san,

    No, I do not have ICC2 vs temperature plot and no test data specifically for 60C. Since ICC2 doesn't only depend on temperature but also depends on voltage and sample-to-sample variation, I do not recommend customer looking for 60C only data. Instead I recommend customer to refer to worst-case ICC2 value, which in this case is 95mA for 3.3V at 500kbps, and design their power supply accordingly. This makes sure the power supply is designed to handle worst-case test conditions including sample-to-sample variation.

    Let me know if you have any further questions, thanks.

    Koteshwar Rao