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TPS2561A-Q1 / Failure mode caused by EOS

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2561A-Q1

Hi All,

Now our customer has evaluated TPS2561A-Q1 and investigating the failure mode caused by EOS because OUTx pins are exposed to outside of system. So that means that there is a possibility of damaging by EOS. Can you confirm the possible failure mode caused by EOS, short mode or open mode?

Your comment will be appreciated.

Best Regards,

Sonoki / Japan Disty

  • Hi Satoshi-san,

    Due to the vast possibilities with vairous application scenarios and EOS scenarios we cannot provide any direction on how the device may fail. If the fails did fall statistically to either short or open it may be highly application and EOS scneario driven.

    If the OUTx may be exposed outside the system where they may be exposed to levels outside the absolute maximum of the device then external protection should be added to meet the system level requirements.
