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Conditions: OTP configuration of OSM16M_CFG is 0 and external crystal isn't implemented.

Does TPS659039-Q1 work? My undestanding is that  OSM16M_CFG = 0 reuiqres an external crystal.

Tthere is "The 16-MHz crystal is not required for operation of the TPS659038-Q1 and TPS659039-Q1 devices" in the datasheet on page 86.

This means that TPS659038/09-Q1 don't require an external crystal when OSM16M_CFG = 0 or 1. Is this correct?


Mistharu Iwasaki

  • Hello Iwasaki-san,

    If OSC16M_CFG=0, then a crystal is required. In this case if there is no crystal, the PMIC may not start up correctly.
    If OSC16M_CFG=1, then no crystal is required and the PMIC will work correctly without a crystal.

  • Hello Karl,

    Thank you for replying.
    OSC16M_CFG is OTP option. When OSC16M_CFG is changed to 1, an external crystal is required to move OFF to ACT.
    Procedure I think about OSC16M_CFG=0 device
    1. An external crystal is implemented.
    2. Goes to ACT
    3. OSC16M_CFG is changed to 1
    After that, an external crystal isn't required.

    Mitsharu Iwasaki