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ISO734x-Q1 datasheet specification

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7242C



ISO724xC-Q1 datasheet specifies Electrical Characteristics with following 4 combination of Vcc1 and Vcc2.



Vcc1=5V and Vcc2=3.3V

Vcc1=3.3V and Vcc2=5V


But ISO734x-Q1 datasheet specifies Electrical Characteristics only with Vcc1=Vcc2=5V and Vcc1=Vcc2=3.3V.



Please advise why ISO734x-Q1 specifies Electrical Characteristics only with 2 power supply combinations.



Please confirm ISO734x-Q1 can be used with different power supply for example Vcc1=3.3V and Vcc2=5V.


Best Regards.

  • Hello Ushikubo-san,

    Since Side 1 & Side 2 are independently powered, most specs on one side for a given supply voltage are independent from the other. Hence test data with 5V & 3.3V independently on both sides is sufficient to know all the combinations of supply voltages.
    For example consider ISO7242C datasheet, ICC1 spec for VCC1=5V remains same in both "VCC1=5V, VCC2=5V" & "VCC1=5V, VCC2=3.3V" test conditions and similar behavior is observed when VCC1=3.3V. This holds good for Side 2 as well and hence the additional test data was redundant.

    Hence going forward it made sense to include test data for both 5V & both 3.3V. Either side can be powered with any voltage independently provided the voltage applied is within the recommended operating range.

    Koteshwar Rao
  • Hello Koteshwar-san,


    Thank you for your answer.


    I understand that ISO734x-Q1 can use different VCC1 and VCC2 voltage and most of spec of one side is independent with another side.

    But for example, propagation delay is not independent with another side so I think these spec should be present on the datasheet with different VCC voltage condition (VCC1=5V, VCC2=3.3V and vice versa).


    Best Regards.

  • Hello Ushikubo-san,

    Yes propagation delay does vary slightly with VCC and we do take your feedback on this. Thank you for your inputs again.

    Koteshwar Rao