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TPS75125-EP: PG Timing

Part Number: TPS75125-EP

The data sheet does not contain the timing information on the TPS75125-EP PG pin. It does contain the logic levels for PG, but the PG Timing Diagram (page 4) does not contain any timing information. Do we have any timing information for how long it takes PG to go HIGH or LOW once the proper logic levels have been reached?

Thanks for your help with this!

Richard Elmquist

  • Hi Richard,

    confirming receipt of your inquiry, will investigate and provide you feedback on it.
  • Richard,

    Power good timing as highlighted in the datasheet is dependent upon two factors.
    1. Output Capacitance, load etc. that would determine how the output comes up Thus Power good would be high at 0.95Vout and low at 0.83 Vout.

    2. Drive capability of internal comparator ( for which I have not been able to find any data that is available). - Still pursuing to find more information on it.

    Is the customer concerned about how the output voltage comes up - that would be system dependent and then PG will transition when output reaches 0.95% or 0.83% of the output.
  • Ramesh,

    From his questions the customer does not seem to have an issue as to what logic levels causes the part to switch. It seems that he is only looking for the timing of how long it takes PG to go from inactive to active. So what he is really looking for the time frame for the PG pin to become active.

    Do we have any information on this (the time frame)? If not I can simply state that we do not have any information on this.

    Thanks for your help with this!

    Richard Elmquist

  • Ramesh,

    Have you had a chance to look at the questions I posted?

    Will we be able to give them any timing specifications on this?

    I understand if they are not available.

    Thanks for your help with this!

    Richard Elmquist

  • Hi Richard,

       I have checked with the commercial team as well as with HiRel.  There is no data available with regards to internal PG timing available.   As indicated previously PG timing will depend upon internal comparator parameters ( to which no data is available) and secondly depending upon output capacitor / load that will be system related as to how the output voltage comes up.

  • Ramesh,

    Thanks for your heard work on this!

    I will let you know if the customer has any further questions.

    Thanks for your help.

    Richard Elmquist