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SN54LVTH244A-SP: IOFF data

Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN54LVTH244A, SN74LVTH244A

Hi Sir/Mdm,

The datasheet for SN54LVTH244A does not indicate any value for IOFF. Is it because it is not tested or there is no such parameter?

Similar part (SN74LVTH244A) has this parameter IOFF (+/-100uA).




  • Kenneo,
    This device does have Ioff.
    I tried to locate information on why this older device does not have leakage value for military temp range. I believe that the Ioff leakage increased at elevated temperatures and was therefore removed. Unfortunately, I do not have characterization data that would help bound this leakage at higher temperatures.

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  • Hi Wade,

    Thanks for your reply.

    So am I correct to say that for the non space grade part, SN74LVTH244A (in the same datasheet), which have the Ioff stated, does not have the Ioff leakage increased at elevated temperatures?  



  • Ken, that is not correct.
    They are essentially the same design, with different test limits at different conditions. If the commercial grade device was used out of specification ( > 85c), then it would also exhibit larger ioff currents greater than the specified +/-100uA.
