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SN74AXC2T245: Part Marking question

Part Number: SN74AXC2T245


There are 2 dots on part marking for the 'RSWR package.  What is the significance of these extra laser dots on the Top Marking?  This is not called out on the D/S and is not signified in our internal PN part marking lookup - only 1HN.

  • Hi AI,

    The top marking should be as below (if not the case please share image), thanks.

       Topside Symbol         : 10RSW                                               01 
           !  * * * *   !       1ST/2ND DIGIT  = DEVICE CODE                           
           !  1HN       !       3RD DIGIT      = WAFER FAB/ASSEMBLY SITE CODE          
           !O * * * *   !       * * * *        = BINARY DATECODE PER TI DRAWING        
           +------------+              O       = PIN 1 INDICATOR 

    Best Regards,
