My customer is looking for some insight into the following regarding the data sheet.
In page # 6, do I need to add these lumped components?, if so could you provide an example use maybe a picture of an evaluation board in what needed to be connected including resistor and capacitors values and thier locations?
My assumption is that these would need to be populated on the 5-8-LOGIC-EVM .
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
Matthew Mott
Hi Matthew,
I assume he's referring to section 7 page 9 because there is no mention of lumped components on page 6. That section is just providing our test setup for how we measure the switching information for the device. The customer doesn't have to add those.
The 5-8-LOGIC-EVM has spots for the device, header pins to make it easy to connect to each input/output pin, and a spot to solder on a decoupling capacitor. If the customer wants to add a load resistor/capacitor he would have to add those externally, which can be easily done using a breadboard if he solders the header pins on.