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Dear SIR:
May I have question and double confirming regarding SN74LVC1G06 as below:.
According to SN74LVC1G06 spec. mention that " VCC MIN =1.65V ,MAX =5.5V ;
"When VCC = 1.65 V to 1.95 V ==>VIH MIN =0.65 × VCC ; VIL MAX =0.35 × VCC . "
" When VCC = VCC = 3 V to 3.6 V ==>VIH MIN =2V ; VIL MAX =0.8.V "
If we know the condition (A) "Input =1.8V =High ,0V=Low" ,base on above ,Is that meaning we need provide SN74LVC1G06's VCC =1.8V ,Right ?
Another condition (B) "Input =1.8V =High ,0V=Low" OR "Input =Unknow (Maybe=3.3V) =High ,0V=Low" ,base on above ,Is that meaning we still need provide SN74LVC1G06 VCC =1.8V ,Right ?
( Because If We provide SN74LVC1G06 VCC =3.3V ,When "Input =Unknow (Maybe=3.3V) =High ,0V=Low" will work ,but when "Input =1.8V =High ,0V=Low" SN74LVC1G06
will not work ,Right ? )
Figure as below:
Dear SIR:
Thank for your reply.
Sorey,I don't understanding your meaning in detail.
Is that your meaning regarding the Figure. condition(A) VCC recommend =1.8V ?
Is that your meaning regarding the Figure. condition(B) VCC recommend =3.3V ?
(Even Figure. condition(B) Input signal sometime voltage level High is 1.8V and sometime voltage level High is 2.5V and sometime voltage level High is 3.3V ,)
Dear SIR:
Thank for your reply.
Reply as below:
Where does the 2.5-3.3V signal come from?
<Reply>==>1.8v signal or 2.5-3.3V signal come from another Main Board.But the Main Board maybe will be change to Main Board A(1.8v signal) or Main Board B (2.5-3.3V signal)
What power rails are available on your board/in your system?
<Reply>==>So far we make sure have 1.8V ,other's just confirming by the Forum question for this board (Small Board A).
1.8v power rails available for Main Board A
2.5-3.3V power rails available for Main Board B
1.8v power rails available for Small Board B [End Device]
Total power rails available 1.8V ,2.5-3.3V power rails in the System [Either "Main Board A or Main Board B" ------->Small Board A------>Small Board B ] .
(But, Main Board A and Main Board B will base on different condition to exchange ,Change another word: Main Board A and Main Board B either one in the System )
Main Board A==>Design by Customer A
Main Board B==>Design by Customer B