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Dear Sir / Madam,
Recently on a Motor Gate Drive Circuit we replaced an obsolete NXP device with TEXAS INSTRUMENT device CD4047BE (CMOS Low-Power Astable Multivibrator).
However the frequency reduced significantly (from 890KHz to 670KHz) with the TI component.
The device is being run in Astable Mulitivibrator mode (free running / Outputs Pins 10 & 11)
and the datasheet specified the formula;
tA = 4.40 * R * C.
In our application;
R = R1 = 10K (10,000 ohms)
C = C1 = 22pF (22 * 10e-12).
This gives tA = 0.968*e-6
and F = 1.033MHz.
Why is the frequency then = 670KHz in practice?
VDD = +15V
VSS = Agnd
Pins 4,5,6 &14 are tied to +15V & Pins 7,8,9 &12 are tied to Agnd
OSC O/P(Pin 13) is unused.
There is a 10K Resistor between pins 13 & 14 and it is decoupled to Agnd with a 100nF Capacitor.
Best Regards,
Ray L.