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i want to use the flashAPI F021 and i am using safeRTOS operation system.
I already added the flashAPI in the linker script and configure two data sections:
flashAPI : RUN_START( FLASHAPI_Start ) RUN_END( FLASHAPI_End ) { */library/extern/FlashAPI/Fapi_UserDefinedFunctions.c.obj (.text) */library/source/Hardware/flashIf/flashTMS.c.obj (.text) --library = */library/extern/FlashAPI/F021_API_CortexR4_BE.lib (.text) }load = FAPIFLASH, run = FAPIRAM, palign(0x1000), table(BINIT) MEM_DATA_SEC_0 : START( MEM_DATA_SEC_0_Start ) END( MEM_DATA_SEC_0_End ) { --library = */library/extern/FlashAPI/F021_API_CortexR4_BE.lib < FlashStateMachine.ScaleFclk.obj FlashStateMachine.SetActiveBank.obj > (.data) } > RAM palign( 0x2000 )
The task in which I want to use the flashAPI runs in user mode.
Both memsections were configured as mpu sections according to Cortex-R4F techincal reference manual on page 125 and 126 (ARM DDI 0363G, ID041111; p.125-126/436).
MEM_DATA_SEC_0: AP bit value b011, XN bit value 1, TEX[2:0] value 0b000, C bit value 0 and B bit value 0
flashAPI : AP bit value b011, XN bit value 0, TEX[2:0] value 0b000, C bit value 0 and B bit value 0
If i try to debug the sw, the first instruction executed in the ram section caused a prefetch entry. The value of the fault status register is 0x0D. This value is an permission fault.
Function that causes the permission fault:
Fapi_StatusType Fapi_BlockErase(uint32_t Bank, uint32_t Erase_Start_Address, uint32_t Size_In_Bytes) { Fapi_StatusType error = Fapi_Status_Success; uint8_t ucStartBank = 0; uint8_t ucStartSector = 0; uint8_t ucEndBank = 0; uint32_t* eraseStartAddr0 = (uint32_t*)Erase_Start_Address; uint32_t* eraseStartAddr = (uint32_t*)Erase_Start_Address; uint32_t Erase_End_Address = Erase_Start_Address + Size_In_Bytes; //Bestimme Startadresse des Sektors, welcher geloescht werden soll. for(uint8_t i = 0; i < SECTOR_TABLE_SIZE; i++) // for (i = 0; i < NUMBEROFSECTORS - 1; i++) 23.02.2018 mkh { if(Erase_Start_Address == (uint32_t)(SectorTable[i].dwStartAddr)) { ucStartBank = SectorTable[i].bankNumber; ucStartSector = SectorTable[i].sectorNumber; eraseStartAddr0 = SectorTable[i].dwStartAddr; eraseStartAddr = SectorTable[i].dwStartAddr; break; } } //Bestimmt bank des Sektors, welcher geloescht werden soll. for(uint8_t j = ucStartSector; j < SECTOR_TABLE_SIZE; j++) { if(Erase_End_Address < ((uint32_t)(SectorTable[j].dwStartAddr) + SectorTable[j].length)) { ucEndBank = SectorTable[j].bankNumber; break; } } if(error == Fapi_Status_Success) { //F021_CPU0_REGISTER_ADDRESS is defined as 0xfff87000 in FMC.h //Fapi_initializeAPI((Fapi_FmcRegistersType *)F021_CPU0_REGISTER_ADDRESS, freqInMHz); /*used for API Rev1.5*/ error = Fapi_initializeFlashBanks(HCLK_FREQ); /* used for API Rev2.01 */ } for(uint8_t bk = ucStartBank; (bk < (ucEndBank + 1u)) && (error == Fapi_Status_Success); bk++) { uint8_t k; uint32_t remaining; error = Fapi_setActiveFlashBank((Fapi_FlashBankType)bk); if(bk == 0u) { k = ucStartSector; remaining = Size_In_Bytes; } else { k = 0u; } error = Fapi_enableMainBankSectors(0xFFFF); /* used for API 2.01*/ if(!WHILE_SAFE(FAPI_CHECK_FSM_READY_BUSY != Fapi_Status_FsmReady)) { error = Fapi_Status_FsmBusy; } if(error == Fapi_Status_Success) { do { error = Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector, eraseStartAddr); if(!WHILE_SAFE(FAPI_CHECK_FSM_READY_BUSY == Fapi_Status_FsmBusy)) { error = Fapi_Status_FsmBusy; break; } if(!WHILE_SAFE(FAPI_GET_FSM_STATUS != Fapi_Status_Success)) { error = Fapi_Status_FsmBusy; break; } remaining -= SectorTable[k++].length; if(k < SECTOR_TABLE_SIZE) { eraseStartAddr = SectorTable[k].dwStartAddr; } } while((remaining > 0u) && (k < SECTOR_TABLE_SIZE)); } } if(error == Fapi_Status_Success) { error = Flash_Erase_Check((uint32_t)eraseStartAddr0, Size_In_Bytes); } return error; }
Disassembly from the instruction that causes the permission fault:
As you can see the instruction that caused the permission fault pushes registers onto the stack.
Register content:
The stack pointer is within the permissible range.
Task stack memory range from the map file:
address length
08003000 00001000 safetyTask.c.obj (.bss:safetybuffer_1)
Any ideas on how to solve this problem please?
Kind regards
Hi Aron,
The flash APIs must be run in a privileged mode (a mode other than user) to allow access to the Flash memory controller registers.