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TMS570LS3137: F021 v02.01.01 API causes prefetch abort

Part Number: TMS570LS3137


I am using TI's F021 API for erasing and writing to both bank 0 and bank 1.

The entire F021 API runs in RAM as well as my code calling it. The rest of my code runs in bank 0.

Erasing/Writing bank 1 works perfectly but when erasing/writing bank 0 I quite consistently (about 9 / 10 times) get a very confusing prefetch abort.

For details see: 

Two questions:

  1. Am I using the API incorrectly / Do I need to move more stuff into RAM?
  2. Where can I find more information on the FSM registers? The TRM ( only references two of them (FSM_WR_ENA, FSM_SECTOR) making it impossible for me to implement my own flash routines.

  • Hello,

    Please, take a look at this thread:

  • Thank you,

    I have already relocated the API code as well as the calling code into RAM and am executing from there as described in that thread. I would like to take a look at "the bootloader" mentioned by QJ Wang in their reply. Any idea how I can get my hands on "the bootloader"'s source code?



  • Hello Lukas,

    You can download  bootloaders and more example code from here:

  • Lukas,

    Please take a look at this E2E:

    To download the Hercules_examples including bootloaders:

    Ubuntu user: with git, git clone git://

    Windows user: download one of the compressed file formats under the commit page.

    In  your case, the example project which can be imported to CCS is here:


    Take a look at bl_link.cmd file, please note not to forget about the const section when you move Flash API from Flash to RAM:

         .\F021_Flash_API\02.01.01\source\Fapi_UserDefinedFunctions.obj (.text)
         .\source\bl_flash.obj (.text)
         //.\source\bl_dcan.obj (.text)
         --library= ..\..\..\F021_Flash_API\02.01.01\F021_API_CortexR4_BE.lib (.text)
       } palign=8 load = FLASH0, run = SRAM, LOAD_START(apiLoadStart), RUN_START(apiRunStart), SIZE(apiLoadSize)

       .text  : {} > FLASH0 /*Initialized executable code and constants*/
       .const : {} load=FLASH0, run = SRAM, LOAD_START(constLoadStart), RUN_START(constRunStart), SIZE(constLoadSize)

    Please note bl_flash.c which is under SafetyMCU_Bootloaders\source folder, that is calling Flash APIs. So in your case, make sure all source code calling Flash APIs be included in this load & run structure, i.e., within flashAPI{} in command file.

    Also please take a  look at :

    \hercules_examples\Bootloaders\SafetyMCU_Bootloaders\source\bl_main.c. Make sure you copy both sections as well:

        /* Copy the flash APIs to SRAM*/
        //_copyAPI2RAM_(&apiLoadStart, &apiRunStart, &apiLoadSize);
        memcpy(&apiRunStart, &apiLoadStart, (uint32)&apiLoadSize);

        /* Copy the .const section */
        //_copyAPI2RAM_(&constLoadStart, &constRunStart, &constLoadSize);
        memcpy(&constRunStart, &constLoadStart, (uint32)&constLoadSize);

    Hopefully this helps.

    best regards,

    David Zhou

  • Hello,

    Thank you for the detailed answer.

    After comparing with the example bootloader and some more expermentation it seems that the issue is caused by another library we use.

    Best regards,
