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RM57L843: RTP as GIO

Part Number: RM57L843
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN

I have a circuit which is using the RTP_DATA , RTP_CLK, RTP_nENA, RTP_nSYNC and RTP_CLK as GIO.  From the manual this seems to be possible and I can see how to use gioSetBit(hetPORTx,x,x) to use the HET ports but I can't find out how to use the RTP ports.  Are these used in the same way?

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Craig,

    Perform below steps to configure RTP pins in GIO

    1. First Configure the pin functionality as GIO for the pins which you want to configure in GIO using RTPPC0 register

    2. SET direction for the pins using the RTPPC1 register

    3. If pins are configured as inputs then read the corresponding pins status in the register RTPPC2

    4. If pins are configured as output then write the bit values to that pins using the register RTPPC3

    For example, I want to configure the RTP_DATA0 pin as input GIO and RTP_CLK pin as output GIO. And i want to change the output GIO value based on the input GIO

    Here is an example code


    Thanks & Regards,


  • Thanks, i was confusing myself thinking I could do this through HALCOGEN.  All seems to be working now.