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Dear Champs,
My customer is trying to separate their codes into two parts - one for XIP and other for non-XIP - to use XIP and non-XIP concurrently. Is it possible?
To do this, how customer can group codes into section A to allocate it to flash memory in cmd file for XIP and others into section B to allocate it to data memory for non-XIP in cmd file?
Thanks and Best Regards,
Hi Si,
one for XIP and other for non-XIP - to use XIP and non-XIP concurrently. Is it possible?
Yes. There will be 2 images created - *.app_image and *.app_image.xip. Both of them needs to be flashed in the device.
how customer can group codes into section A to allocate it to flash memory in cmd file for XIP and others into section B to allocate it to data memory for non-XIP in cmd file?
The customer needs to take the decision based on their system and end use case requirement. Checkout this example where the XIP benchmark application is running
This will give you an idea what sections of area are time-critical and need to be put in flash whereas which area is not time-critical and you can keep it on RAM.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,