I am using a TMS570LS20216 with code composer studio 5.1
I have two questions:
-First, does code run faster in RAM than in FLASH?
-Second, I want to run some time critical functions from RAM and I am having problems.
My code is in C++, compiled in thumb2 mode and my command file looks like this:
VECTORS (X) : origin=0x00000000 length=0x00000040
FLASH (RX) : origin=0x00000040 length=0x001FFFC0
STACKS (RW) : origin=0x08000000 length=0x00001500
RAM (RWX) : origin=0x08001500 length=0x00026000
.intvecs : {} > VECTORS
.text : {} > FLASH
.const : {} > FLASH
.cinit : {} > FLASH
.pinit : {} > FLASH
.bss : {} > RAM
.data : {} > RAM
ramfuncs : LOAD = FLASH,
For the functions that I want to run in RAM, I use a pragma directive like this:
#pragma CODE_SECTION( "ramfuncs" );
void MyClass::MyFunction( void )
// Code
At the beginning of my main function I added a routine that copies the ramfuncs section from FLASH to RAM:
char *src = (char *)&__RamfuncsLoadStart;
char *end = (char *)&__RamfuncsLoadEnd;
char*dest = (char *)&__RamfuncsRunStart;
while ( src < end )
*dest++ = *src++;
When I compile, I don't get any error and the map file looks good, I get something like this so my ramfuncs section loads from FLASH and runs in RAM and the size looks good.
run origin load origin length init length attrs members
---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----- -------
08006b5c 000017e2 0000001e 0000001e r-x ramfuncs
My first problem is that when I try to load the resulting .out file to the developpement board with the XDS100V2 emulator (Everything works ok if I don't try to put functions in RAM) I get the error "File: C:/myfil.out: a data verification error occured, file load failed."
My second and most important problem is that we made a program that repackages the .out file (ELF format) to be loaded via CAN by a custom debugging application and in the .out file I only have the RUN address for section ramfuncs (I can't find the LOAD address) so my program doesn't know where to put this section in flash. On previous projects with a F28335 and CCS3 we did a similar scheme and it worked fine.
Is it possible to du what I want?
Can somebody help me, how do I get the LOAD address in the .out file?