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TMS570LS3137-EP: TMS570LS3137 - Safety library implementation - Prefetch abort exception when power cycling the board

Part Number: TMS570LS3137-EP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS3137, HALCOGEN


I’m currently implementing the safety library  v2.4 for the TMS570LS3137 and I’m experiencing a prefetch abort that does not happen when the debugger reset the board but is seen after a power cycle.

I can see the SW in the prefectch abort function when loading symbols with the debugger after the power cycle.

Some people seem to get similar issue but no thread actually shows a conclusion to the problem.

See below the capture of the abort registers. Abort instruction address seems to be in a reserved space. Will dig into that further further decoding the abort registers.

 In the meantime, any pointers woudl be highly appreciated.



  • Hi Seb,

    Can i get your complete project so that i can reproduce the issue and debug it?

    You can even do a private message with complete project?


    Thanks & regards,

  • Hi

    Thanks a lot for looking into this.

    Find attached the project. I had to deal with an other issue so far today. Back into it now. 

    Let me know if you need further info on the problem.

    Thanks for your assistance.



  • Hi Jagadish

    Did you have any chance to look into this ?



  • Hi

    I managed to isolate the line where it happens  in syst_startup.c


    Just before enabling the interrupt we can see that FIQ channel 0 pending and IRQ Channel 21:



    FIQ Will be prioritized but FIQVecReg is loaded with an invalid address:

    IRQVecReg is loaded with with the address VIM Parity error handler:


    In the VIM, both ESM High and Low are enabled.

    ESM High is hardwired to channel 0 as FIQ.

    The VIM Parity register shows a parity error even is disabled :


    When enabling interrupts, CPU branches into address in FIQVecReg going to exception with abort registers showing and address close to the branch address in FIQVecReg:



    Now why I get a spurious address in FIQVecReg …

    It happens during the VIM parity check in sys_startup.c


    We have the VIM parity registers going as with FbParErr used to point to the parity error handler taking the address 0xC83CE02 shown during the abort:



    Interrupt registers now showing FIQ As pending and FIQRegVec showing the erroneous address:



    CRC Calc on VIM RAM creates a parity error on the VIM After parity check being enabled line #1269



    Partial solution found - Introduce a call to vimInit before parity checks on peripheral RAM. This to ensure that FIQRegVec gets a correct value in before any FIQ can be triggered by a parity check.



    This is resolved the prefetch abort but now stuck into an esm low interrupt with the VIM parity - seems interrupt is never cleared as Parity error handler is never called ...

    I was looking into the demo project for the safe library and I might have missed sonethign. I triple checked though but can't find anythiung really diffrent.

    Could you please let me know if I'm implementing the safety library the coirrect way or if I missed something ?




  • Hi Seb,

    FIQ Will be prioritized but FIQVecReg is loaded with an invalid address:

    IRQVecReg is loaded with with the address VIM Parity error handler:

    When parity error is injected and RAM location with parity error is read, the content of fallback register is assigned to IRQVECTOR and FIQVECTOR registers. In HalCoGen code, the content of fallback register is the address of parity error handler.

    Interrupt registers now showing FIQ As pending and FIQRegVec showing the erroneous address:

    If ESM interrupt is enabled for VIM parity error, and the interrupt is mapped to FIQ, you will get a pending FIQ when reading the location with parity error.

    I saw that both FIQVEC and IRQVEC have a correct value: 0xC83CE02 

    CRC Calc on VIM RAM creates a parity error on the VIM After parity check being enabled line #1269

    vimParityCheck() restores the VIM RAM back to the correct data after parity self-test, so CRC Calc on VIM RAM should not creates a parity error.

    Could you please let me know if I'm implementing the safety library the coirrect way or if I missed something ?

    Can you please disable the interrupt because the parity self-test? 

  • Hi QJ

    Thanks a lot for your feedback. I'm picking the subject back up after a 2 weeks break.

    OK. I think I get why we have the behavioour we observe. I will disable the interrupt and check, I will also come back to you regarding the CRC creating the parity error after disabling the ingterrupt.

    I'd like to understand the following though:

    - Why 0xC83CE02 is a correct value ?

    - What's the best way to check about modules parity at run time ?

    I see for example that parity errors are not mapped to ESM in the safety lib example but the idea we have is to enable those for VIM / CAN / SPI and deal with the error at application level onbce flagged by an interrupt.  

    The safety example does run time check instead.

    Would you also have an example of a selftestFailNotification() implementation ?

    Many thanks.



  • - Why 0xC83CE02 is a correct value ?

    0xC83CE02 is the VIM fall-back ISR address defined in FBPARERR. When VIM table has an error, the ISR address in FBPARERR will be provided to RQVECREG and FIQVECREG. The "correct" means value of interrupt vector register = address in FAPARERR.

  • I see for example that parity errors are not mapped to ESM in the safety lib example but the idea we have is to enable those for VIM / CAN / SPI and deal with the error at application level onbce flagged by an interrupt.  

    Yes, the ESM interrupt is disabled before doing the parity selftest. The SDL uses the polling mode to check if the ESM flag is set or not.

    Would you also have an example of a selftestFailNotification() implementation ?

    No, I don't have an example of selftestFailNotification().

  • Hi QJ

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Disbaling VIM Parity interrupt in ESM solved being stuck into an esm low interrupt with the VIM parity.

    The CRC at init causing a parity error does not appear any more.

    Still I have to keep the vimInit() here : 

    Otherwise I get he prefecth abort I had previously, caused by the vimParityCheck() function. FIQVecReg gets loaded with the address in FBPARERR.

    What I can observe is that the execution arrives to enableParity() functionwith FIQ == 0x01 indicating an esmHigh interrupt is already pending.

    The pending interrupt is caused by SRAM Selftest.

    IRQ are disabled within the SL_SelfTest_SRAM() function but a FIQ is trigerred instead. I believe this is normal behavior as RAM address bus parity error is linked to ESM group 2 which is not maskable.

    At this stage FIQRegVec contains the following: 

    So in summary, before entering the parity checks section, a pending FIQ exists.

    When parity checks executes on the VIM, the FiqVecReg gets loaded with the adress in FBPARERR.

    When enabling interrupt, because of the pending FIQ, preftech abort occurs.

    I'll check with the safety project but would appreciate pointers on what I might have missed.



  • Hi Seb,

    The SRAM address parity selftest will generate parity error, then ESM high priority interrupt. Once the VIM receives an interrupt (FIQ or IRQ), it loads the address of ISR from interrupt vector table (VIM RAM), and store it into the interrupt vector register (IRQVECREG for IRQ interrupt, FIQVECREG for FIQ interrupt). In the sys_startup file, the VIM RAM has not been initialized when performing the SRAM parity self test, so the FIQVECREG loaded an invalid address, and fectching instruction from this invalid address generate a prefetch abort.

    My recommendation is to use the polling mode for parity self-test and SRAM self-test. If interrupt is required by your application, please program the VIM table before doing the selftest.

    Before enabling interrupts, the application software must initiate the interrupt vector table (VIM RAM) pointing to the ISR for each interrupt channel.

  • Hi QJ

    Thanks for your feedback.

    That makes absolute sense and solved my issue. 

