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TMS570LS1224: f021 flash api error

Part Number: TMS570LS1224

Hi, I'm using Flash API F021 in UDS for flashing the services to reprogram TMS570LS1224.

The code is given below:

Fapi_StatusType oReturnCheck = Fapi_Status_Success;
oReturnCheck = Fapi_initializeFlashBanks(SYS_CLK_FREQ);
if(oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success);
oReturnCheck = Fapi_setActiveFlashBank(Fapi_FlashBank0);
if( oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success)
oReturnCheck = Fapi_enableMainBankSectors(0xFFFF);
if( oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success)

while( FAPI_CHECK_FSM_READY_BUSY != Fapi_Status_FsmReady );

if(FAPI_CHECK_FSM_READY_BUSY == Fapi_Status_FsmReady)
oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector,StartAddress);

while( FAPI_CHECK_FSM_READY_BUSY != Fapi_Status_FsmReady );
if( FAPI_CHECK_FSM_READY_BUSY == Fapi_Status_FsmReady )
return 1;


While trying to erase it got stuch and when suspended, got this error: Can't find a source file at "D:\Shriram\RTC_Testing\TSP_Testing_Obj_code\TI_WBMSProject/sys_intvecs.asm"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.

but path/each subpath has 0 matches in the code.

As i have only .obj and .h files I'm not able to understand.