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Hello, I want to increase the stack size for my MSPM0 project. It seems that the stack size is set in device_linker.cmd. This file is generated by the SysConfig tool, but I couldn't find a place to modify the stack size in SysConfig GUI. I also tried to change the setting in project properties, but the stack size remains the same. Is there any way to change the stack size? Thanks.
Hi, Torris
Project properties have higher priority in stack setting.
After I change stack to 1024, I can find Linker's output in Output window:
[34]Building target: "empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang.out" [35]Invoking: Arm Linker [36]"C:/ti/ccstheia140/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-armllvm_3.2.2.LTS/bin/tiarmclang.exe" @"device.opt" -march=thumbv6m -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mfloat-abi=soft -mlittle-endian -mthumb -O2 -gdwarf-3 -Wl,-m"" -Wl,--stack_size=1024 -Wl,-i"C:/ti/mspm0_sdk_2_00_01_00/source" -Wl,-i"C:/Users/a0508911/workspace_ccstheia/empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang" -Wl,-i"C:/Users/a0508911/workspace_ccstheia/empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang/Debug/syscfg" -Wl,-i"C:/ti/ccstheia140/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-armllvm_3.2.2.LTS/lib" -Wl,--diag_wrap=off -Wl,--display_error_number -Wl,--warn_sections -Wl,--xml_link_info="empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang_linkInfo.xml" -Wl,--rom_model -o "empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang.out" "./empty.o" "./ti_msp_dl_config.o" "./startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.o" -Wl,-l"./device_linker.cmd" -Wl,-ldevice.cmd.genlibs -Wl,-llibc.a [37]Finished building target: "empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang.out"
I also tried to change the setting in project properties
Try this first~
Hi, Helic
I did notice the relevant content output in the Output window.
However, it can be observed in the. map file that the stack size has not actually changed.
Hi, Torris
move .cmd file to project root folder.
Change .cmd file manually.
Disable linker file generation in syscfg