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MSPM0L1306: MSPM0L1306 device is locked and not able to reflash.

Part Number: MSPM0L1306



I am using MSPM0L1306 controller for my project. I am using a JLink debugger to flash my software. I am not able to reflash my software and full chip erase is also not possible. Controller is working and LIN communication is working but reflashing is not possible.

How can i resolve this issue?



  • Hello Kiran,

    Were you attempting to erase and program NONMAIN?  NONMAIN has the ability to completely lock the debug access to a device.  A Factory reset will erase the device and restore the NONMAIN to default values, but NONMAIN has the ability to lock this too. Still, I would try it.   

    We have a factory reset tool: but I'm not sure if it supports JLink or only XDS110.  You can also issue a factory reset via CCS.  I think more tools are adding this Factory Reset DSSM command, but I'm not sure currenlty how to issue it with the JLink.  

    Hope this helps,


  • Hello JD,

    NONMAIN part was added in Debug configuration while flashing. This may be the reason why we are not able to reflash.

    I am using a custom board for our project and JLINK is used. Hence factory reset tool cannot be used.

    Is there a possibility to recover the MCU?



  • Hey Kiran,

    Sorry, I'm following up here after some time.  I does sound like the NONMAIN was corrupted, so the only chance you have at maybe recovering is via a Factory Reset.  Factory reset is a DSSM command, and I think there is probably a way to issue it with the J-link, although I'm not currently familiar with how it's done. 

    Even then, depending on the settings of NONMAIN, the factory reset could be disabled and the MCU permanently locked.  (This is an intentional security state used in some applications at production.)

    Hopefully you were able to move forward already.  

