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I am trying to implement a minimal way to poll one or more of the junction temperature sensors in the Sitara AM2432 SoC without interrupts or the ESM. I adapted the following from the example project in the SDK ( however I read a temperature of -41 degrees: the minimum. Is it possible to accomplish what I am trying with only the SDL_VTM interface?
SDL_VTM_configTs cfgTs; SDL_VTM_intrCtrl ctrl; SDL_VTM_configVd cfgVd; SDL_VTM_Stat_read_ctrl readCtrl; SDL_VTM_Stat_val statusVal; int32_t tmp; cfgTs.configTsCtrl = SDL_VTM_VD_CONFIG_CTRL_SET_CTL; cfgTs.tsCtrl_cfg.valid_map = SDL_VTM_TS_CTRL_MODE_VALID; cfgTs.tsCtrl_cfg.mode = SDL_VTM_TS_CTRL_CONTINUOUS_MODE; SDL_VTM_initTs(SDL_VTM_INSTANCE_TS_0 , &cfgTs); cfgVd.configVdCtrl = SDL_VTM_VD_CONFIG_CTRL_EVT_SEL; cfgVd.vd_temp_evts = SDL_VTM_VD_EVT_SELECT_TEMP_SENSOR_0; SDL_VTM_initVd(SDL_VTM_INSTANCE_VD_DOMAIN_0, &cfgVd); readCtrl = SDL_VTM_TS_READ_DATA_OUT_VAL; SDL_VTM_getSensorStatus(SDL_VTM_INSTANCE_TS_0, &readCtrl, &statusVal); SDL_VTM_tsConvADCToTemp(statusVal.data_out, SDL_VTM_INSTANCE_TS_0, &tmp);
Hello Joshua,
I am looking at your queries and you may expect reply in one or two days .
Hello Joshua,
The above code seems works .
Can you please share the temperature register value for the Temparture sensor 0 ?
Here, the issues come in two ways. One with the conversion from adc to temperature API is giving wrong values.
And, the second one, we need to give a delay or poll the end of conversion bit status before reading data which ensures proper ADC data.
Hi there, sorry for the late response!
The code is working now, I needed to initialize the SDL via the SDL_DPL_init() routine with the AddrTranslateP_getLocalAddr() function registered as the DPL interface's addrTranslate() callback.