Regarding FEE Virtual Sectors and block size allocation, I wanted to ask potential advice regarding this two points :
1) Using a 64KB EEPROM (4 x 16 KB Flash sectors), do you have any recommendations using :
Option 1 : 4x16 KB Virtual sectors
Option 2 : 2x32 KB ( with 2x16KB flash per Virtual sectors),
in case of course the block to be save in Virtual sectors doesn't exceed 16 Kbyte.
It seems that in Halogen configuration, the advise is to create Virtual sector composed of 2 flash sectors, only if the size of data block do not fit in 1 Virtual sector of minimum size (16Kb here).
2) Regarding the data block size, I personally see advantages to contain them to minimum size (8 Bytes of data) in case the data to save are "variables or parameters for software"
-because the FEE mechanisms to write and read them allow us to identify them (block number, easy to find)
-less write/erase of EEPROM if just a couple of data are changed in one bigger block
-Virtual Sector full slower and so les Virtual Sector change
-less decoding effort and less buffer sizes consumption in the application (For RAM cost)
But am I correct here ? And do you have some points to recommends for block sizes selections in Virtual Sectors ?
Thank you !