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TMS570LS3134: Microcode, boot code or any code available in the MCU ( TMS570LS3134 )

Part Number: TMS570LS3134



In the TMS570LS3134, is there any microcode, boot code or any code that comes available with the MCU ?

When we review the documents, in the TI OTP section there is some information that can read but can not erased. If availale something like TI OTP, microcode, boot code or code available in  the MCU, how can we find informations about them? 

Could you please help me about it ?

Thank you.

  • Hi Samet,

    There won't be any predefined code from manufacturer. After controller out of the reset it will directly starts executes the code from 0x0 address of the flash.

    So, there won't be any primary bootloader concept here. So, all the initializations will be the part of the application code only. I mean all the necessary initializations like CPU registers initializations, stack pointer initializations, memory initializations and system initializations everything will be stored in flash only. And these all initializations will be located in the function "_c_int00".

    For more details refer below thread:

    (+) RM57L843: HERCULES BOARD - BOOT PROCESS - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums

    Yes, there are OTP regions, but they won't hold any boot code, and they have other purpose.

    There are two kind of OTP sections available on the device, one is TI-OTP and other one is customer OTP.

    The TI OTP sectors will consist of manufacturing information and customer OTP sectors can be used by customer to store one-time programmable data (I mean they can't be reprogrammed because erasing is not possible for this OTP area)

    So, apart from this it won't consists of any boot code in the OTP sections.

    Thanks & regards,

  • Hi Jagadish,

    Thank you for your reply. In the ECC Handling document it say that " SECDED is the hardware module embedded in the Flash/RAM ... ". So We can understand in the ECC module there is not any microcode. But for other modules I could not find information something like that. 

    For the PBIST, there is not any code in any memoery for algorithm, It wants us to load code for algorithm for PBIST like March13N. Is it true ?

  • Hi Samet Varan,

    For the PBIST, there is not any code in any memoery for algorithm, It wants us to load code for algorithm for PBIST like March13N. Is it true ?

    For PBIST, yes there is a dedicated-on chip ROM, and which will hold the algorithms to test the PBIST.

    And you no need to load any algorithms separately.

    Thanks & regards,

  • Hi Jagadish,,

    Thank you for your interest. Is there any code like PBIST algorithm in any of the MCU module or part? We are working on safety critical project so there should be no code in the processor that we did not write. Could you please give information about it ?

    Thank you.

  • Hi Samet Varan,

    Is there any code like PBIST algorithm in any of the MCU module or part? We are working on safety critical project so there should be no code in the processor that we did not write. Could you please give information about it ?

    As i mentioned earlier, there is one dedicated on chip ROM to hold the PBIST related algorithms in the controller. Apart from this there won't be any other algorithms.

    Thanks & regards,