AM2634: Inaccessible memory addresses on HS-SE board causes abort

Part Number: AM2634


Hi, we have a board with an HS-SE enabled AM2634, and during debugging we observed some memory aborts. Inspecting the incriminated memory location, we found this:

As you can see, there are some inaccessible memory addresses where the code gets loaded that, when run, cause our firmware to generate an abort and crash. Further investigating a memory dump revealed these inaccessible memory ranges:

From 0x700FFFE8 to 0x700FFFFF (24 bytes), and from 0x701FFFE8 to 0x701FFFFF (also 24 bytes). In the memory dump these values are filled with a 0xBAD0 value.

We have managed to reproduce this issue also in another HS-SE board, with the same result; and in a non-secured board we can read these addresses just fine and we don't get any aborts.

We found this thread referencing what seems to be this very issue:, although the addresses are a bit different.

Why is this related to the board being in HS-SE (secured) mode if this is an MPU issue? Isn't the MPU also used for a non HS-SE board? We've used it up until now without any relevant issues.

Thanks for the insights,
