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Hello All,

Am a beginner with CCS and have a basic knowledge in C/C++. Presently, am working with a TMS570LS20X MDK. Could any one help me where I can find the demo exercises ?? I have tried the Blinky and it works now any exercises related to the temperature and the light sensor demo codes.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Aniketh Chepuri 

  • Hello Aniketh,

    The source code is generally included with the Demo Software that comes with the kit however, due to the age of this product it may be out of date in regard to available versions of IDEs and such.

    There is an updated example project for CCS6.x located on the Wiki page here:

    It seems to be a fairly comprehensive demo for the MDK. Please have a look to see if this is what you are looking for.

    Also note, as I mentioned about, this is a fairly old product and I would recommend you look at some of the newer devices if you are considering starting a project with Hercules. There are some very reasonably priced kits available as can be seen at this link:
  • Dear Davenport,

    Thank you for your kind response. Could kindly let me know about the User Manual for TMS570 LS20X. I am very new to these boards and this is my very first assignment. Thank you


    Best Regards.

  • Hello Aniketh,

    Here is a link to the TRM:

    As a hint for future needs, the search utility on is pretty good. If you type the part number from the top of the device in the search you will be able to navigate to the product page on Once there, you can find a great deal of documentation including the datasheet, the TRM (userguide), errata lists, application notes, SW examples, tool links, etc. Hope this helps!

    And, of course, we have the E2E Forum as well and we are always happy to answer any questions on your quest to learn more about Hercules.

    As I mentioned before, the TMS570LS20x/10x family of part numbers are a very early version of the hercules devices and are a bit out of date. If you plan to do any development, I would strongly recommend you look at the TMS570LS31x (200MHz cpu speed, 2MB of Flash) family for comparable performance or even the TMS570LS4357 (300MHz CPU speed, 4MB of flash) if you are looking for even more capability.
  • Thank you Mr. Davenport, currently am a beginner on Development kits. Once I get to know more about it I would definitely take your recommendations. Thank you.

    Best regards,
    Aniketh Chepuri.