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Part Number: EK-LM4F120XL
Hello community!
I have a problem switching the type of GPIO from output to input.
I'm working on pin 1 of port D. First, I remove the resistors R9/R10 from PCB.
In my code, enable the peripheral
Next, configure the pin
In some part of my code I change the GPIO type
But, I reach the FaultISR in GDB.
My SW tools:
Someone can guide me to try the resolve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Firm/I have that same (very early) board - ours (though limited - No PWM Gens w/in that past MCU) works fine!
While your board's silk-screen may read LM4F - the MCU is (clearly) marked LX4F!
Note: Any LX4F (there were NO/ZERO LM4Fs produced!) is spec'ed to work under StellarisWare - NOT newer RebrandWare! (the newer, pin_map.h file, fails to accommodate LX/LM devices!) Use StellarisWare 9453... Your using "OpenOCD" culls you FAR from the herd - makes assistance far more difficult.
Might you follow this sequence - then repeat your code run?
While (always) unstated - I suspect that you (may) be attempting "One Wire" Commo - thus the need to switch GPIO from "Input to Output." This has been achieved OFTEN - there is NO NEED to change your board!