We have implemented Modbus protocol over TCP using lwip Stack without using any RTOS. Our control send the Modbus Queries 0x03 (Read Holding Register) and 0x10 (Write Multiple register)on every 1 seconds.
For Testing, We are using PLC Slave modbus simulator from Modbustools.com with our control.
In Halogen, under EMAC tab we configured "No of receive packet buffer" as 10. We also tested by setting buffer to 15 and 30 and in both cases, control stuck in receive interrupt in less than 20sec time.
We observed that Control works properly for Few seconds (repeatedly observed control works around 22 seconds ) then control hangs in Rx_Interrupt handler loop forever, Can anyone help on to resolve the issue?
Query and response log is attached below. Last query and response is highlighted in below log